Steve Bradley
I have been in church since I was a young boy. At the age of nine, I went to the altar during a vacation Bible school. I knew that I was lost, and needed what the preacher was talking about. When I went down to the altar, I did not know what to say or do, so I just knelt down and someone knelt next to me. When I got up, she asked if I felt better, and I told her I did. I assumed that I was saved. As I got older and understood more about what salvation actually meant, I began to question what I did that day at vacation Bible school. I really did not pray understanding that I needed to be sorry for the sin I had in my life and that Jesus actually died on the cross and rose from the grave on the third day. For many years, I dealt with doubt and fear about my salvation. You must understand that I was very involved in the church. For me to come out and say I had never really asked Jesus into my heart was going to be difficult. Finally, at the age of forty, I could no longer deal with the doubt. One night while lying in bed, I settled all doubt. I ask Jesus to forgive me of my sin and to come into my heart as my Savior and Lord. I went through the baptismal pool again to make a public profession that Jesus had gloriously saved me. I have never had a problem with doubt again. Hallelujah!I have had the honor of serving as a member of our deacon fellowship for many years. I take my calling as a deacon very seriously. I pray that the Holy Spirit helps me to meet the qualifications and duties of a deacon as described in the book of I Timothy 3 and Acts 6. My priorities as a deacon are to serve the Lord, to serve our membership, and to support our pastor.