Tommy Kean
I was saved and baptized in 1951, at the First Baptist Church in Fort Payne, Alabama. Several years later, the Park City Baptist Church in Fort Oglethorpe, GA extended me the call of deacon. I happily accepted, and they ordained me as a deacon on May 15, 1965, at the Park City Baptist Church. As a deacon, I have steadily worked by God’s grace, to uphold the mandates of a deacon found in, I Timothy 3. I believe the deacons of Parkway have the responsibility to serve with and support our Pastor. We help the pastor in fulfilling the spiritual needs of our church membership. Along with supporting the Pastor, we bring support to his staff and ministries in order to meet the fundamental needs of the church. Furthermore, every deacon must be passionate about reaching the lost for Christ. If someone sincerely desired to be a deacon, they must realize there is much sacrifice to be given to fulfill one's responsibility as a church leader. The deacon’s sacrifice is not only his service to the church but his service to Christ.