Sunday, March 25, 2018, 6:45 PM - Friday, March 30, 2018, 8:30 PM
Join us for a great week of REVIVAL with CT Townsend, Jared Dixon, and Bill Sampson! Each night will be filled with spiritual music and biblical preaching.
Sunday Morning: 10:45 am (CT Townsend Preaching)
Sunday Night: 5:00 pm (Bill Sampson Preaching
Monday Night 6:45 PM (CT Townsend Preaching)
Tuesday Night 6:45 PM (CT Townsend Preaching)
Wednesday Night 6:45 PM (Jared Dixon Preaching)
Thursday Night 6:45 PM (CT Townsend Preaching)
Friday Night 6:45 PM (CT Townsend Preaching)