Join our Church

Pastor Greeting Members - Membership

Get Connected with Parkway Baptist!

As the Senior Pastor of Parkway Baptist, I want you to know how thrilled I am that you are considering Parkway as your church home. After deciding to place your faith in Jesus Christ, making the commitment to be involved in a local church is the next obedient step of faith. This step of faith will be a beneficial experience for you and your church family! If you have been attending the worship services of Parkway Baptist, you have witnessed the fact that God is blessing us. I believe this results from our sincere attempt to be a God-honoring church, where the Word is faithfully taught and the spiritual needs of God’s people are being met.

Our desire is for each member to become active and connect with the members and ministry of Parkway Baptist. Along with the entire church staff, I sincerely desire to support you on your spiritual journey with the Lord. My fervent prayer is that as you join hands with the Body of Christ at Parkway Baptist, you will find fulfillment in making the nations glad in the goodness of God. For more information, you can email us at  

Missional Until He Comes,
Dr. David L. Sampson
Senior Pastor
Titus 1:3

Membership Procedures:

Text the word JOIN to 706-705-7877 and fill out the information. We will contact you after receiving your information and schedule a time to meet with our Pastor. During the meeting, the Pastor will answer any of your questions concerning Parkway Baptist ministries.

The Pastor will also assist you in one of the following ways to become a member of Parkway Baptist:

By Profession of Faith and Baptism

If you have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation by repenting of your sins and show your desire to follow Him through Believer’s Baptism by immersion and fully subscribe to our Statement of Faith outlined in our by-laws, we will welcome you into our fellowship following completion of our Next Steps Connect Class called Continue.

By Statement of Faith

In the event, your previous church membership records are not available for a transfer of membership, or if you are a Christian who has followed the Lord in believer’s baptism and not a member anywhere, or you are a member of another denomination who has been biblically saved and baptized and willfully subscribes to our faith and practice, we will gladly welcome you based upon your statement of faith into our membership following your completion of the Next Steps Membership Class.

By Letter of Transfer from a Church of Like-Faith and Practice

By letter of transfer from another Bible-believing church of like faith and practice, or other written statement of good standing from the prior church if the applicant has been baptized by immersion subsequent to a profession of faith. If you have trusted Christ as your Savior by repenting of your sins and have shown your desire to follow Him in obedience to His Word through believer’s baptism by immersion, and you are a believer of “Like-Faith and Practice,” we will gladly welcome you into our membership following your completion of the Next Steps Membership Class.

By Restoration

If having been removed from membership, upon a majority vote of the congregation and satisfactory evidence of repentance to the pastor (or the elected deacons if the office of pastor is vacant), we will gladly welcome you into our church family following your completion of the Next Steps Class.