I was raised in a Christian home, and my family attended church regularly. I have memories of going to Sunday school and attending church as young as 4 years old. The Lord saved me when I was seven years old while going to VBS. It was at a friend’s church because my church had already had VBS that summer. I remember having a strange feeling while the preacher was talking to us about Jesus and what He can do for us. Then we went to our classes that corresponded with our ages. I had that strange feeling again when the teacher was telling us about the plan of salvation. Then he asked us to bow our heads to pray. While our eyes were closed, the teacher asked us to raise our hand if we wanted to be saved. I raised my hand. After that, the teacher went through the Romans Road to salvation. That night, I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. Even though I was seven years old, I can still remember the tugging sensation at my heart and then the sense of relief after I was saved.
Meet Nathan's family:
Nathan, Amanda, Wyatt, and Caleb.